Picking up from where we left off.
Life sucks.
For some, life is a vacation. Yes, Im taking about your lives SB, RN, and NK! For others (like me, at least at this point in time) there are only two phases in life. The all-about-work phase, and the when-I'm-not-doing-work phase. So this post is to celebrate the well balanced folks who have superb time management skills and seem to have time for everthing. I drink to u!
Pic of the day:
Is it an ape? Is it a fox? Is it a wingless bat or a confused cat? Name that animal!

(You've gotta love that expression!)
Last time's pic:
Looks like the game is getting interesting now. KSK, JM, PP... things are getting warmer..pretty quick. Think more eastern, and little more ancient. :-)
The script is called Kharoshti, and was the official script of Gandhar (modern day eastern Afghanisthan.. remember Taxila and Peshawar, gandhar prince (maama) Shakuni, the gandharva school of architecture, buddhist seat of learning..... u get the point).
If you are still reading ...here's a conversation starter (but would you really want to start a conversation like this??) ....you can trace slight commonalities between Kharoshti and many modern day scripts like (obviously) Greek, but also older scripts like Pehlavi (persian), Brahmi from which evolved the Gupta script, from which evolved Devanagri.
Some Geeky facts about Kharoshti (Kharoshthi.. whatever). I know this is totally uncalled for but, sometimes, I just cant help myself. (This is fodder for those whose conversation starter above didn't bomb in their face yet)
-Kharoshti is actually written Right-to-Left (like persianic languages), has symbols closely resembling greek characters, AND has a maatra system used to vary the consonants to denote associated vowels....and I belive it is the only ancient language that was used to represent multiple spoken languages (Pali, Prakrit, Sanskrit and Gandhara)
-Kharoshti was used bilingually with Greek especially on coins of some greek kings.
-It was also extensively used by king Ashoka making its way on to some of his very famous edicts, as well as many buddhist scriptures.
-It became extinct in 3 CE and was replaced by its structurally identical counterpart and the mother of all South Asian Languages the Brahmi Script.
Here is a very interesting website on ancient languages if you are interested. Definitely a must browse site! (Page directs to the south asian language tree with this link.) http://www.ancientscripts.com/sa_ws.html
Happy Reading!
Today also happens to be: Grandparents Day, Hot Dog Day, Pet memorial day, Teddy Bear day, and Chrysanthemum day (if you are in Japan).
So if you have grandparents call/send them a minder that you soo love them, have a hot dog, miss your dead pet and hug a bear (make that a teddy). What the heck, take some mums to your dead pet's grave.
Till next time~